With over 25 years in the business it is not surprising that Automotive Paint Supplies are a leading [About Automotive Paint] company in the supply of paint and materials for the automotive industry and associated trades. From the beginnings in 1989 Tim Mahoney and Andy Slater have run the business with the objective of offering a first class service, whether it is for regular, major trade customers or an individual looking to touch up their classic car.
Both Tim and Andy have a background in the automotive industry and in particular paint finishing, so their knowledge of the end product is extensive. By working with the automotive, industrial and materials suppliers, APS has been able to forge a key place in the supply line for paint and materials in this busy sector.
Customers can be confident that APS delivers what it says it will at all times.
Paint matching is sometimes more of an art than a science and at Automotive Paint Supplies we have the ability to use both techniques. Where customers have a known vehicle model number and paint reference the job is a little easier but when the vehicle has been re-sprayed or has undergone damage by sunlight etc. the match can come down to the skill of the team to identify the perfect colour. So skilled are the team at Automotive Paint Supplies that they have worked with many F1 race teams, to develop special colour mixes that are the signature of the associated team.
From the beginnings in paint mixing and distribution the business has naturally moved into supplying materials and equipment not only for the paint spraying sector but for the automotive industry in general.
With specialist paint mixing facilities in depots at Newbury, Aldershot and Southampton, APS have the central South of England covered. The Southampton branch also specialises in marine paint finishes and this adds another unique feature to Automotive Paint Supplies business. With a dedicated team, Automotive Paint Supplies is the natural choice for any individual or company looking for a supplier of paint finishes and equipment.